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TERMS OF SALE: USA Customers can order online using this page or go here to order by mail. Shipping is FREE for USA Customers; Foreign orders add $5 per item for shipping (may be sent separately using PayPal to All DVDs are NEW and shipped in hard plastic cases with an insert (shrink wrapped). Sorry, No returns, refunds or exchanges. All USA orders are shipped within 48 hours (unless ordered by mail and paid for by check). Allow about 7 days for delivery. If you have any questions, please email us at

NASA VERSES THE UFOs: Classfied Encounters - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

A new and comprehensive presentation which exposes secret and classified encounters between U.S. Spacecraft, Astronauts and Aliens. Discover the hidden history which exposes how Astronauts have interacted with unknown spacecraft and aliens. Shocking cover ups are revealed involving incidents where UFOs have absorbed or fired on U.S. spacecrafts, probes and military aircrafts.

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THE U.S. AIR FORCE VERSES THE UFOs - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Michael Schratt (military aerospace historian) has lectured across the country on the subject of “Mystery Aircraft”, and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex. Michael has developed a number of contacts who have had first hand experience dealing with classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel and aerospace engineers who have maintained a TOP SECRET Q “MAJIC” clearance. A private pilot and military aerospace historian, he currently works as an aerospace draftsman/researcher. This dvd contains a rare lecture by Michael Schratt which includes a graphic-rich program focusing in on USAF classified aircraft and "special access programs" including those based on UFO technology or those created to defend against any assumed UFO threat to National Security. Topics include: Lockheed M-151 (TAV), TR-3A Black Manta, "The Pumpkinseed", TR-3B Astra, The real F-19, "Super STOL", "Project Silverbug", USAF jet disc program, Senior Peg, A-12 Avenger II, "The Fluxliner", Boeing Phantom Works "Bird of Prey", Rockwell FV-12, Convair "Project Fish" and electro-gravitic propulsion systems.

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BEYOND BELIEF: The Alien Encounters of Oscar Jordan and Cathy Ross - 3 DVDs - $8.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

The most baffling and amazing cases of Alien Abduction, UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters, Cattle Mutilations, a Government Cover-Up and Alien Technology ever investigated. Meet Oscar Jordan and Cathy Ross in this intimate look at their lives, the lives of their families and their encounters. It is the most comprehensive report on these cases ever filmed. Many hours of solid information and interviews.

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Global Invasion: Alien Incursion - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This fascinating DVD covers over 100 UFO cases including: UFO sightings and encounters during ancient times, the middle ages, world wars, the cold war and Vietnam. Many exclusives and previously untold stories include UFO related animal mutilations and how an entire zoo full of animals are mutilated and killed after a UFO appears above it, then how the entire area is destroyed and rebuilt without any explanation to the public. UFO sightings by Warren Beatty, Stuart Whitman and Walter Cronkite. Jackie Gleason views crashed UFO wreckage and bodies. UFO crash retrievals as well as current cases and so much more. Lots of photos and information! It's over three hours of the TRUTH that will never air on cable thanks to the government cover-up czars who rule over alleged UFO investigative groups and organizations.

Length: Over 3 hours

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The U.F.O. Enigma - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Aliens are visiting our planet. It's time to acknowledge these visits! This presentation takes you through the last 30 years of Ufology (1978-present), years when more evidence and information has been brought forward about the UFO phenomenon than during any other recent period of history. You'll meet all the most important researchers, see the evidence for all the most important cases and enjoy exclusive UFO photos, video and interviews with experts, witnesses and whistleblowers.

Length: 240 Minutes

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SECRETS KEPT: The Secret History and Government Cover-Up of the U.F.O. Phenomenon - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

An amazing documentary with two hours of solid information, exclusive stories and material you haven't seen before. Forget the stuff you see on cable, this is the real deal! If you're tired of the guesswork, theories, questionable evidence and rehashed stories, try this! Bill uses true stories you haven't heard before, facts he has uncovered, photographic and physical evidence to unmask the Cover-Up. You're life will NOT be the same after viewing this material!

A military aircraft takes off from a Base in Florida in 1966 and encounters a UFO. Seconds later, the same plane is flying over Virginia in 1982. The UFO appears again and the plane is back over a Base in Florida in 1966. After a collision with the UFO, the plane crashes. There is a survivor who tells the tale... A WWII Navy experiment to demagnetize and disguise battleships goes awry and leads to projects involving invisibility, time travel and mind control. Bill will take you on a tour of the actual Base where the continuation of The Philadelphia Experiment occurred during the 1980s... An ancient painting from Rome clearly shows a scene with a modern building and rocket on the launching pad proving that Time Travel is not only possible, but has probably already occurred... Astronauts and Pilots encounter UFOs with surprising and even shocking results. Hear the audio, see the photos and video... What amazing Alien Artifacts have been found on the Moon, Mars and other planets? See the evidence and decide for yourself...These are just a few of the many true stories, facts and incidents featured in this amazing documentary.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Cosmic Cover-Up: UFOs and Aliens - 2 DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Featuring world renowned UFO Researchers and Investigators that reveal important information kept from the public. Influential politicians and other noted luminaries comment on the UFO subject. This two-disc DVD set includes interviews with and presentations by Budd Hopkins, Linda Moulton Howe, Stanton Friedman, Bruce Maccabee, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, John Lear, Bob Lazar, George Knapp, The UFO Guy, Vice President Joe Biden, Governor Bill Richardson, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, entertainer and commentator Dennis Miller and others. It s eight hours of comprehensive information combining rare, new and amazing presentations about UFOs and Aliens.

Length: 480 Minutes

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Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich and UFOs - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

In the early 1950s,the brilliant physician and scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich developed the cloud buster, a simple yet effective apparatus capable of altering the weather. Some of these weather modification operations attracted UFOs - first over Maine in 1953; then on December 14, 1954 these experiments culminated in what can only be characterized as a 'battle' in the skies over Tucson. Wild as this may sound, they were well-documented and witnessed. Reich kept the U.S. Air Force apprised of his sightings and weather work at the same time the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) was attempting to build a case against him. The interstate shipment of a medical device (unauthorized by Dr. Reich) resulted in a contempt charge, conviction, and his incarceration. Wilhelm Reich was found dead in his cell in 1957 just prior to his scheduled release. What were the scientific dynamics behind Reich's successful alteration of weather fronts? What part did the Air Force play in his undoing? What were the specifics of his 1940-44 contacts with Albert Einstein? Was MJ-12 involved in his death? Peter Robbins spent years investigating this story and now presents the startling and disturbing facts.

Length: 90 Minutes

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The World Of Nicola Tesla DVD Set - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Nicola Tesla was an Inventor Extraordinaire and a genius that made many of the technological marvels of the modern world work. Now through a series of amazing presentations, you can discover the personality of Tesla, the formula and foundation of his plans to power the world with wireless energy and the truth about what happened to his famous Wardenclyffe facility at Shoreham, Long Island.

Length: 4 Hours

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Project Chronos: Nazi Hyper-Dimensional Physics and the Bell Project - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Beginning in 1943, Martin Bormann set in motion a long-term plan to seed aspects of top secret Nazi technologies into the hands of the western Allies and the Soviet Union, laying the foundations for the Cold War, and allowing his planned postwar Nazi International maneuvering room to pursue its own political, economic, and research agendas. Keeping the best and most advanced of this Nazi technology, the Bell, in independent Nazi hands after the war, Bormann established the center of Nazi power and research in Argentina. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell outlines the basis of the Bell project in hyper-dimensional physics, and the three probable purposes of the project: to acquire a technology that would lead simultaneously to free energy, field propulsion, and the ultimate doomsday weapon.

Length: 120 Minutes

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The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

A U.S. Navy Ship vanishes during a secret World War II Experiment gone awry. When it re-appears, observers are horrified to see crew members embedded in the deck and steel of the ship. During a sea trial, the ship vanishes and travels through time setting off a number of events that continue today. It's not science fiction, it's science fact! Meet the Survivors of U.S. Government Projects involving INVISIBILITY, TIME TRAVEL, MIND CONTROL, PSYCHIC WARFARE and REMOTE VIEWING. You will hear about these experiments first hand, visit the places where they took place and discover the truth about the Philadelphia Experiment in the 1940s and other experiments related to it like The Montauk Project in the 1980s and a plan to make airplanes invisible during the 1960s.

You’ll experience dramatic recreations and learn about related incidents. It began as a World War II Navy Experiment to demagnetize military vessels making them invisible to radar. It ended with the USS Eldridge completely disappearing, traveling 40 years into the future. You’ll hear firsthand from the Survivors of the original experiment and about more recent projects based on the same technology. Visit the infamous Montauk Military Base at the heart of these operations and learn how the technology allows ships, planes and people to travel through time. Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols are three men with intimate knowledge of the strange and incredible events that took place and may very well be STILL taking place now. Learn how technology they helped develop and test is being used to change the future. The military CAN send ships, planes AND people through hyperspace and make them completely invisible. The 911 Attack was predicted by those involved in these black operations because they KNEW then years before the event. Prepare for an unprecedented Journey into the Strange and Unknown.

Length: 7 hours

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BOOK ALSO AVAILABLE: You can also buy THE TRUTH ABOUT THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT as a softcover book here for just $4.99

The Montauk Briefing: Time Travel Technology and Secret Experiments - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

The Survivors of The Montauk Project and The Philadelphia Experiment, as well as others who were involved in The Montauk project, provide you will the best explanation of U.S. Government Experiments with Invisibility, Time Travel, Min Control and more to date.

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Project Montauk: The Time Travel Chronicles DVD SET - 6 DVDs - $14.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Meet the Survivors of the Montauk Project: Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron and Stewart Swerdlow. Discover how Al and Duncan managed to live two lives thanks to the Philadelphia Experiment technologies. Join these survivors for an indepth look at their family histories through photos and documents. Preston Nichols shares his amazing knowledge of the technology associated with the Montauk Project. Enjoy a detailed explanation of the technology and get the full story of his own experiences on the base. Stewart Swerdlow (a gifted Clairvoyant) takes you on a journey through his life. After suffering alien abductions and government manipulations, Stewart found Preston Nichols and discovered his own role in time travel experiments known as the Montauk Project. Because he refused to break his association with Preston, Stewart was incarcerated by the government. Stewart used his mental abilities to overcome the negative influence surrounding him and ultimately discovered the highest common denominator in the alien equation-an interdimensional language which communicates to all conscious beings. Hear about the incredible experiences he has lived and learn how to open locked DNA sequences and change your life.

Imagine what it would be like to be able to create a fleet of invisible ships and planes. Or an army of invisible soldiers or special operatives. Now imagine being able to program the soldiers and operatives to do whatever you wanted them to do and then send through through space and time. That concept isn't science fiction, it's science fact. The connection between The Montauk Project and the use of the theories, ideas and designs of Nicola Tesla is well established. Many believe Tesla had direct involvement with The Philadelphia Experiment. Explore the use of Tesla Anti-Gravity by the Germans before, during and after World War II. Learn how the creation of weather control systems like HAARP were made possible using Tesla's concepts. The same concepts that would help create even more powerful weather control devices out of the Montauk Technologies. Here's your chance to learn about how the Montauk Project technologies really work and discover why they should not be used for negative purposes. You'll be given amazing examples of what the government is doing with these technologies (like the invisible security agents that guard the President and others) and how they may have already changed the lives of millions.

The Montauk project is much more than just sophisticated technoloogy. It also involves positive spiritual energy that you can harness and use yourself. Learn the secret of attaining that power. Phil Schneider is a geologist and underground construction expert. He's also a man who spent seventeen years working on government black projects. With a level 1 security clearance (Rhyolite 38), Phil worked at Area 51, S-4 and Los Alamos. He is one of only three survivors from the infamous Alien/Human war at Dulce, New Mexico and the Los Alamos underground areas in August of 1979. Over sixty government workers and agents were killed during those confrontations. After thirteen attempts on his life, Phil Schneider was found dead in his Wilsonville, Oregon apartment on January 17, 1996. Phil's connection to the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project is an important one. Philip's parents were Oscar and Sally Schneider. Captain Otto Oscar Schneider was a captured Nazi U-boat commander who was then repatriated into US Naval Intelligence. In that position, Captain Schneider was directly involved with the Philadelphia Experiment. During sea trials he discovered alien implants in the bodies of participants of the Philadelphia Experiment. No information about the Montauk project can be complete without the information offered by the late Phil Schneider. This amazing compilation runs over 12 hours!

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The Secret History of the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Those that have witnessed presentations by Al Bielek on DVDs like The Truth about the Philadelphia Experiment, Project Montauk, The Montauk Briefing, and Surviving Montauk and The Philadelphia Experiment appreciate his in-depth knowledge of what went on and who was involved. More than just a Survivor, Al is the foremost historian of the original experiment. Now in response to questions from people that witnessed all his other presentations, Al brings you the most comprehensive presentation on the subject to date. When he first spoke about his experiences, people didn t believe him. Now that public science is catching up with the U.S. Government s private technology, people want the entire story. Al explains the everyday science of tomorrow for you today. He reveals how a select group of brilliant people involved with the original experiment taught the U.S. Navy the secrets of invisibility, time travel and hyperspace.

2 DVDs, Length: 300 Minutes

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Surviving Montauk and The Philadelphia Experiment - Al Bielek - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Two presentations by Al Bielek, a survivor of The Philadelphia Experiment and The Montauk Project. Al tells the amazing story of his life and involvement with Time Travel, Invisibility, Mind Control and Hyperspace Government Experiments .

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Preston Nichols: The Montauk Project and Time Bending Technology DVD Set - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Two presentations by Preston Nichols, a survivor of The Montauk Project. Preston explains the technology that fueled the project involving Time Travel, Mind Control, Invisibility, Hyperspace and more.

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Underground Bases, Reptilians and the Battle for Humanity: The Phil Schneider Chronicles - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Phil Schneider was a geologist and underground construction expert. He was also a man who spent seventeen years working on government black projects. With a level 1 security clearance (Rhyolite 38), Phil worked at Area 51, S-4 and Los Alamos. He is one of only three survivors from the infamous Alien/Human war at Dulce, New Mexico and the Los Alamos underground areas in August of 1979. Over sixty government workers and agents were killed during those confrontations. After thirteen attempts on his life, Phil Schneider was found dead in his Wilsonville, Oregon apartment on January 17, 1996. He had apparently been dead for several days and reportedly had a rubber hose wrapped three times around his neck. Officially, suicide is now stated as the cause of death. The medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy but refused to analyze them, saying that the Clackamas County Coroner's Office would not "waste their money on a suicide". Samples were kept for twelve months. When interested parties asked for these samples to be sent to an independent lab eleven months later, they were "missing" and presumed "destroyed". Schneider had missing fingers on his left hand, and limited motion in his shoulders. It was physically impossible for him to have held the rubber hose in his left hand with missing fingers and then wrap the hose three times around his own neck with shoulders that had limited motion. In order to end up where his body was, he would have to sit on the edge of his bed, wrap the hose around his neck, slowly and painfully strangle himself to death and fall head first into a wheel chair. Philip was an expert in chemicals and his own medical needs. He had multiple pills at hand that could have ended his life quickly and painlessly. He also had a 9 mm gun that he had borrowed to protect himself and could have ended his life with one shot. Phil's shocking revelations about the U.S. Government and Aliens was the most likely cause of his death. When you hear what he has to say, you'll see why we believe this.

Length: 120 Minutes

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The UFO Cover Up - A Slide Lecture By THE UFO GUY - 1 DVD - $6.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

The UFO GUY presents a LIVE LECTURE which exposes the TRUTH about THE UFO COVER UP. Forget everything you have seen on broadcast TV and Cable. This slide lecture covers over 100 UFO topics and cases in about 2 hours (240 slides and some amazing audio clips as well) and presents the evidence and cases the UFO Talking Heads and Disinformation Experts will not.

Length: About 2 Hours

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The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Here is your opportunity to understand and appreciate the amazing scope of the Worldwide UFO Cover-Up through The UFO Guy's favorite seminar and slideshow. The theme is Government Secrecy surrounding UFOs, Crash Retrievals and Secret Projects based on captured Alien technology. Discover the truth story of the Philadelphia Experiment and tour the Montauk Base.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Facts Denied: UFO Secrecy & The Military - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This presentation includes a rare and exclusive interview filmed with Bill Cooper. That includes extensive information about his background and how he became aware of the U.S. Military’s role in the UFO cover-up, his own experiences and theories about the phenomenon. John Lear and Bob Lazar offer important information about U.S. Military back engineering projects involving crashed or captured Alien hardware. UFO Researcher, Journalist and Author, George Knapp conducts some of these sessions. Marina Popovich was a hero of the Soviet Union. As a Lieutenant Colonel in the Soviet Air Forces, she set thirteen world records. As a Cosmonaut, she tested equipment and passed information and photos to western nations with the blessing our her government. Her knowledge of Soviet and Russian UFO encounters is legendary. This presentation contains information that the U.S. Military doesn’t want you to have. It’s an expose of the structure and purpose behind their cover-up of Alien visitations to our planet.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Behold A Pale Horse - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Few people that view this amazing four-hour presentation by the late UFO Researcher and Conspiracy Guru Bill Cooper find themselves the same afterward. It s one of the most complete presentations linking secret societies, UFOs and various elitist organizations available. Presented in the 1990s and based on his book of the same title, this material is even more relevant today as much of what Cooper warned us about has come true and the rest still lay ahead.

Length: 4 Hours

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BOOK ALSO AVAILABLE: If you like the DVD, you'll love the book! Buy Behold a Pale Horse in paperback from as a companion to the dvd.

Big Brother Is In Control - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

When George Orwell wrote his fictional novel Nineteen Eighty-Four he seemed to have a solid grasp on what the future would be like. His prediction of things like Political Correctness and Thought Control used to control and manipulate a populace were spot on. Instead of using the Soviet Union style of despotism as a model for his story, he used what he correctly imagined as the decline of Democracy in the Western Nations and the rise of dystopian rule disgused as a means to bring about a kind of socialist utopia in those countries. Today we lie with the truths he imagined and wrote about as fiction. With our freedoms being constantly removed to supposedly protect us from a world gone wild filled with Criminal Masterminds, Drug Lords, Terrorists and Anarchists, we have unwillingly ceeded our rights to a ruling Elite. Watch these thought-provoking presentations that tell the truth about power mad politicians from all political backgrounds. Learn what YOU can do to stop their unlawful power grabs before it is too late!

Length: 4 Hours

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BOOK AND ANOTHER DVD ALSO AVAILABLE on If you want to read the original novel by George Orwell, you can order 1984 (Signet Classics) or order the movie 1984 made in the 1980s based on the book starring John Hurt and Richard Burton (Import - All Regions) in '1984'.

John Lear: Exposing The UFO Cover-Up - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Former C.I.A. Pilot and Goverment Insider JOHN LEAR presents an amazing lecture about his infamous LEAR LETTER and exposes the truth about the U.S. Government and worldwide cover-up of the shocking truth about the UFO phenomenon and Aliens in this classic 90 minute presentation. ALSO INCLUDES over an extra hour of FREE BONUS MATERIAL and presentations about UFOs.

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The UFO Underground: Rebel Researchers - DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Meet four of Ufology's most controversial figures: Bill English, Bill Moore, Bill Cooper and John Lear and view a classic set of presentations by these researchers.

2 DVDs, Length: 240 Minutes

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Disturbing Secrets: Project Blue Book Report 13 - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Through an in-depth interview and a provocative seminar, former Green Beret Captain Bill English reveals how he viewed secret Project Blue Book Report 13 while working as an NSA Intelligence Analyst at a listening post in the UK. Included in the report were photos from a mission he was involved with years earlier into Laos. A mission that ultimately linked human mutilations with the UFO phenomenon.

Length: 120 Minutes

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UFO Crashes: A Video History - 2 DVD SET - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This amazing DVD Set features presentations by many talented and dedicated UFO Researchers who reveal the truth about and history of UFO crashes which include those that took place in 1897 in Texas, several that occurred during World War Two, the 1947 Roswell incident, the Lummi crash, the Shag Harbor incident and many others from around the world. This set includes many hours of amazing information, documentation, photos and more.

Length: 480 Minutes

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Presidents and UFOs - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

An amazing conversation with Grant Cameron. Grant became involved in Ufology in May 1975 with personal sightings of an object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star. The sightings occurred in Carman, Manitoba about 25 miles north of the Canada-US border. Hundreds of other people sighted objects at the same time during a prolonged flap of sightings. In the past few years Cameron has turned his research interests to the involvement and actions of the President of the United States and UFOs. He has made over twenty trips to the National Archives and most of the various Presidential libraries and archives looking for UFO material. One highlight of his presidential UFO research was the chance to question Vice-president Dick Cheney on his knowledge of the UFO subject. Another highlight of the presidential UFO research was a FOIA to the White House Office of Science and Technology which yielded 1,000 pages of UFO documents from the Clinton administration. Updated with information about President Obama.

Length: 120 Minutes

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President Eisenhower Meets With The Aliens At Holloman Air Force Base in 1955 - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Learn about this shocking story kept from the world for over 50 years from many of the actual people that lived it! This is NOT the incident often spoken about when people talk about Eisenhower meeting the Aliens at Edwards Air Force Base, but a different and far more documented one that happened at Holloman AFB. Lean how U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower met with Aliens in 1955 and how they may have saved us all from a Nuclear Holocost. UFO Researcher and Author ART CAMPBELL tells the amazing story.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Aliens Among Us: Who Is In Control? - DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Disc One:
Noted Author and Alien Abductions Researcher/Experiencer Whitley Strieber joins other notables to discuss the topic of how Aliens interact with humans and the effect those interactions have on our society.

Disc Two:
This presentation examines how deeply the Alien presence on Earth has affected the way governments operate. Are humans still in control or are we all being manipulated by extraterrestrial forces?

This 2 DVD set takes a serious look at the impact that the Alien Phenomenon has on humans and attempts to answer many of the complicated questions asked by everyday people which are often ignored by the scientific community and takes on the worldwide cover-up of Alien Activity.

2 DVDs

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Ancient Earth Mysteries - DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Join the likes of Erich von Däniken (Chariots Of The Gods), John Anthony West, Dr Robert Schoch (the REAL age and origin of the Sphinx), William Shatner (Mysteries of the Gods and The Crystal Skulls) and many others as they delve into ancient aliens and mysteries that go far beyond what you see on Cable TV shows. Classic documentaries combine with new presentations on this amazing DVD with hours of information. This fascinating set of presentations and documentaries will provide you with more truth about the Ancient World than you can see on Cable TV all year!

2 DVDs, Length: 340 Minutes

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The AMAZING Discovery Of The HOLLOW EARTH - DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

During the last 1,000 years various civilizations have had traditions about our Earth being hollow with an interior sun and great civilizations that lived beneath the very ground we walk on. Over the past two hundred years a substantial amount of evidence has come forth which appears to support the ancient traditions of a Hollow Earth and today researchers familiar with this subject also believe that Aliens from other worlds may visit the interior of our planet on a regular basis. This 2 DVD set examines the Hollow Earth Theory in a serious and evidential way. Included is the shocking story of U.S. Navy Admiral Byrd who flew over the polar regions and said he saw dry land and even long extinct animals. Many believe he flew into the hollow earth before turning back.

2 DVDs

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Lost Realms - Zecharia Sitchin - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Zecharia Sitchin is the author of THE EARTH CHRONICLES series of books. Now you can join this amazing scholar of ancient languages as he makes a scientific and scholarly argument for ancient E.T. visits to our Earth. Sitchin was born in Russia, was raised in Palestine, graduated from the University of London with a degree in economic history. He worked for years as a journalist and editor in Israel before settling in New York. Sitchin, like Velikovsky and D�niken, presents a compelling and entertaining story based on belief about ancient visitors from other worlds. Zecharia Sitchin's key ideas are based on the assumption that ancient myths are not myths but historical and scientific texts. According to Sitchin, ancient Sumerian clay tablets reveal that gods from another planet (Nibiru, which orbits our Sun every 3,600 years) arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago. The first presentation (Disc One) is an illustrated lecture by Sitchin. The second (Disc Two) is an exclusive interview with Sitchin.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Sitchin's last book: You may also want to order the last book written by Zecharia Sitchin before his death. You can order The King Who Refused to Die: The Anunnaki and the Search for Immortality from

Secrets of the Ancients - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

A special in-depth interview with ancient astronaut scholar Zecharia Sitchin, as well as selected presentations by the world renowned author and related material.

Length: Over 3 Hours

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Riddle of the Sphinx - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Join The UFO Guy as he hosts this amazing look at the Great Sphinx. John Anthony West delivered a seismic shock to archaeology in the early 1990's when he and Boston University geologist Robert Schoch revealed that the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, showed evidence of rainfall erosion indicating that it was thousands of years older than expected and carved during or before the rains that marked the transition from the last Ice Age to the present. You will be amazed by the information presented in these exclusive interviews and bonus presentations which include documentaries based on the new theories.

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Native Spirits: Visitors from the Sky, A Story Told in Stone - DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This presentation explores the amazing secrets of ancient rock drawings in the Southwest USA that predict repeated visits from Extra-Terrestrials and reveal the existence of dimensional doorways. It's not just rock art, but a message to those able to read it. You'll also see the most amazing video footage of UFOs ever filmed (all filmed in the Phoenix area), much of it never before shown to the public.

2 DVDs, Length: 240 Minutes

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The Wisdom of Ghost Wolf: Earth Changes, Aliens, Native American Prophecies and Star Stories - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

RARE and EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with GHOST WOLF exposing the shocking EARTH CHANGES that began in 1998. Brought about by ALIEN INTERVENTION and predicted by NATIVE AMERICAN PROPHECIES, these CHANGES CONTINUE TODAY and will AFFECT YOUR FUTURE. "Fear has many disguises but only one identity; which is in the belief that we have somehow become separated from that which created us. And that is impossible for it is illusion..." - Ghost Wolf. You will also view an amazing presentation about Native American 'Star Stories' which lead us to believe that they knew about Aliens and where they came from.

2 DVDs

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UFOs: The Flatwoods Monster Case - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Renowned author, newspaper & magazine reporter and investigator Ivan Sanderson's 1953 report (during a radio interview in New York) of what he discovered only 1 year earlier in 1952. The Braxton County (West Virginia), Flatwoods Monster incident is world famous and continues to be evaluated with the top UFO investigators. Considered one of the world's most unusual happenings, the UFO (sometimes referred to the Braxton County Monster and not to be confused with that other famous West Virginia monster, The Mothman") was seen by at least 14 people. Hear Ivan Sanderson talk about what the kids saw and how they (and a dog) reacted. The date was September 12, 1952. What the boys saw was described as a "shooting star" that fell to earth on the top of the hill adjacent to the playground. About the length of a football field away, they all saw an object that was glowing and hissing. Walking closer to check out the "star", they noted that it was about 10 feet around. A few feet away from this glowing object they saw two lights, much like the glow of flashlights, about 12 inches apart. One of the boys had a flashlight and when he turned it on the object a huge creature with "...a bright red face, bright green clothing, a head which resembled the ace of spades, and clothing which, from the waist down, hung in great folds" was seen. Newspapers sent special reporters to cover the story. Many investigators also came and took soil samples. One well known scientist, Ivan Sanderson, and his assistant, Eddie Schoenenberger, came from New York City. With all the attention given to this sighting, one would think that a report would have been definite. However, it was never revealed what was found from the scientific tests and the investigation.

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On Bigfoot's Mountain - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Paranormal Investigator Dick Criswell takes you on a physical and spiritual journey to BIGFOOT MOUNTAIN near Oakland, Oregon. Meet Stan Johnson, an amazing eye witness to the Bigfoot phenomenon who sheds light on the origin of this legendary creature and reveals his communications with them. View the gateway he uses to meet them and more in this exclusive interview.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Secrets Of The Mothman and The Men in Black - 2 DVD Set - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Finally, a DVD set that takes an in-depth look at two lengendary UFO beings: The MOTHMAN and The MEN IN BLACK! This comprehensive look at the dark side of the UFO Phenomenon offers a solid history of and information about these two amazing beings. Included in this presentation are interviews with Fortean Writer JOHN KEEL who wrote THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES which became a best-selling non-fiction book and feature film. He has become about as closely involved with these beings as anyone would ever want to be and shares his expertize on the subjects. This presentation is a MUST WATCH.

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Men In Black: The Phenomenon Is Real! - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Susan Swiatek was born in the nation's capital, but grew up near Denver, Colorado. Her wonder years were spent reading such books as "Strange Fires and Lights" and Charles Fort's collections of anomalies. When Betty and Barney Hill's "Interrupted Journey" exploded onto the scene in 1966 with a LOOK Magazine article, Susan was hooked on the UFO and abduction mystery. After much contemplation gazing up at the Western sky of a million stars, she had an epiphany. The story the Hill's were telling of alien visitors in a spaceship had a ring of truth to it. Even as a child, she sensed the serious nature of "flying saucers". In this presentation she discusses the Men in Black phenomenon associated with UFO sightings. The MIB motif has been with us from the beginning of the modern UFO era in 1947. But the tales we are familiar with from the 40's, 50's and 60's seem dated now. Are these shadowy figures still harassing UFO witnesses and abductees today? Who are they and what is their true nature? Join Susan Swiatek for am amazing history lesson on the subject.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Missing In The Triangle - 4 DVD Set - $11.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Discover the shocking truth about North America's greatest mystery that the cable channels are afraid to tell you. Through four original and uncut documentaries you'll uncover facts that have been distorted by skeptics and true stories which prove that the strange phenomenon reported in the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery. Not one of the famous cases of people, ships or planes reported to be missing in the triangle has ever been found or recovered!

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Somebody Else Is On The Moon - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

NASA's Lunar Cover-Ups and secrets are exposed by Richard Hoagland, Ken Johnston and others. Find out why NASA ordered Ken Johnston to destroy rare and precious photos taken by Astronauts on the Moon. Discover the amazing story of ET artifacts found on the Moon and brought back by NASA Astronauts. All this and much more! Richard Hoagland is a former NASA Consultant and was Science Advisor to CBS Anchor Walter Cronkite. Ken Johnston worked for NASA. Includes a bonus presentation by credible witnesses which details the worldwide cover-up of information about Aliens and UFOs. 4 hours of stunning information!

Length: 4 Hours

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The U.F.O. Conspiracy - 2 DVD SET - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This amazing set includes author and abductee Whitley Strieber; actor, author and metaphysical researcher Shirley MacLaine, a number of UFO experts and experiencers, politicians and others present proof that the U.S. Government is covering up outrageous events involving UFOs. These include military aircrafts that have had bizarre encounters with UFOs and ships that vanished after contact with Alien crafts. Technologies that have been developed as a result of reverse engineering projects working on alien technology. Secret underground and above ground bases where technologies recovered from Alien spaceships are developed and tested. Never before told stories about one of Ronald Reagan's UFO encounters and the death of UFO abductee researcher John Mack by Shirley MacLaine. How the military deals with and impedes the release of information about UFOs and Aliens and much more in this two-disc set. Two DVD Disc Set, over seven hours of amazing information.

Length: Over 400 Minutes

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Dr Michael Wolf: Keeper of Cosmic Secrets - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

"I look forward to the day when the secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial contact ends so that our race can move forward to the next phase of its history, now cosmic in scale." Those are the words of Dr. Michael Wolf. He lived and worked with ETs, served as a Scientific Consultant to Presidents, was a member of the Satellite Government, helped develop Zero Point Energy, served in the Air Force and was a member of the Alphacom Team. This was the amazing life of the late Dr Michael Wolf. Now you can watch as Dr. Wolf tells his own story in his own words and reveals secrets known only to the most-trusted Government Insiders.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Dr Michael Wolf and The Gateway Treatment - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Dr Michael Wolf lived and worked with ETs, served as a Scientific Consultant to Presidents, was a member of the Satellite Government helped develop Zero Point Energy, served in the U.S. Air Force and was a member of the Alphacom Team. Dr Wolf shares highlights from his amazing life, addresses UFO controversies, answers questions and teaches his amazing Gateway Treatment, an exercise designed to attract Aliens and expand Human Intelligence.

Length: 120 Minutes

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UFOs AND CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - 2 DVD SET - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Disc One:
Discover the truth about UFOs and Aliens as exposed through a series of classic and modern presentations that approach the UFO subject from "hard evidence" and "nuts and bolts" standpoints. Take a journey through the UFO subject that begins in ancient times and ends in our present day. Also included is the unedited version of the HBO documentary "UFOs: What's Going On?" Many hours of amazing information that you will not see elsewhere.

Disc Two:
A collection of stories from people claiming to have been part of some form of UFO or alien experience. Sightings, encounters, and abductions all have their place among the stories. Whitley Strieber says he's been abducted by aliens several times and even passed a polygraph test. The Pages are a brother and sister duo who claim to have been part of a top secret government genetic experiment that left them part human/part alien.

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UFOs: Fact, Fiction and The Whistle Blowers - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This shocking DVD SET includes appearances by and interviews with Kevin Randle (Roswell Author and Investigator), Bill Cooper (author of Behold A Pale Horse), Robert Lazar (Area 51 Whistle Blower), John Lear (former CIA Pilot and Whistle Blower), Edward Walters (the Gulf Breeze, Florida UFO Photos and Encounters), Richard Harris (president of UFO Investigations Inc) and Bill Moore (author of The Roswell Incident and The Philadelphia Experiment). Learn about the MJ-12 Documents, Roswell, Area 51, Fictional UFO Films and Stories and hear about leaked Classified Documents and more. PLUS...Watch famous whistle blower Dr. Robert Wood (retired Deputy Director of McDonnell Douglas) who says that the U.S. Government has used his company and others to study and reverse engineer Alien hardware as he exposes the shocking truth about the cover-up.

Length: Over 3 hours

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Extraterrestrial Beings Are Here - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Whether you believe in Extraterrestrials or not, they are here! The U.S. Government knows this to be a fact and has a number of programs to deal with the beings and their machines. Hosted by veteran UFO Researcher, Dick Criswell, this presentation brings you the evidence from UFO witnesses and Researchers. Exclusive video footage, facts, interviews and amazing cases are the backbone of this documentary.

Length: 120 Minutes

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UFOs: The History and Evidence - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Take a two hour journey deep into the world of UFOs with The UFO Guy. You'll discover fascinating facts, exclusive information and be surprised at what you haven't been told about UFOs and their Occupants. These are just a few of the topics covered: A Car lifted off the road by a UFO during rush hour traffic, a UFO lands in a New York City Park and affects changes on the environment, secret UFO research facilities in an area where millions live, bizarre animal deaths linked to Aliens, people are abducted by Aliens and implanted with strange devices.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Mystery Saucers - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

It's everything you didn t know about UFOs and information that fills in the blanks. It's also a look at the mystical, religious, technical and mythological connections to UFOs and Alien Beings. Discover amazing Persian Gulf War UFO events, Middle East encounters, teleportation and time travel experiments based on UFO technology, the hollow earth, UFO landings and invasions of U.S. Air Force bases, the Westchester Wing, close encounters and alien abductions, crop circle energies and mysteries, the facts about Bob Lazar and Area 51, Astrology and UFOs, the face on Mars, how the U.S. Government monitors channeled messages from Aliens, the Black Delta Atomic Flying Craft, the 1981 Soviet retrieval of a UFO, how the U.S. and the Soviet Union declared war on Space Aliens in 1952 and UFOs and the Astronauts. Four hours of stunning information and facts.

Length: 240 Minutes

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Beyond Bentwaters - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Peter Robbins, the co-author of Turn Left At East Gate, presents a behind the scenes look at the December, 1980, UFO intrusions of the Bentwaters and Woodbridge USAF and RAF Bases in England. Most people think that they know what happened at Bentwaters and Woodbridge, but most have only heard a small portion of the story. In addition to explaining all the events that occurred over a two day period, Robbins exposes what has turned out to be one of the greatest government cover-ups in history. With the help of Larry Warren, a specially trained military policeman who was on the scene for the UFO landing and forced to be a part of the subsequent cover-up, Robbins reveals the truth about what has become known as the Bentwaters UFO Case. You will also relive the event as it happened through a presentation by Colonel Charles Halt who was there when everything happened and can speak first hand about the incident and its aftermath.

Length: 240 Minutes

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UFOs Around the World - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

You'll see an enhanced version of the Seminar, UFOs Around The World, plus added video footage of UFOs, unique and historic audio played during the seminar and documentary style presentations after it. Find out what a UFO Seminar should be by watching one of the best ever presented. Famous UFO sightings, photographic and physical evidence cases, different types of Aliens and strange creatures associated with UFOs, UFO abductions, crash retrieval cases, a video history of the phenomenon, exclusive cases, amazing facts and non-stop surprises.

Length: 160 Minutes

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UFOs: Uninvited Visitors and Their Ships - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Antonio Huneeus is considered one of the world's top experts on UFOs. Huneeus has covered the UFO field from an international perspective as a science journalist, investigator and lecturer during the past 24 years. His articles have appeared in a variety of newspapers, magazines and journals in the Americas, Europe and Japan. Now you can enjoy his famous slide show presentation on DVD. This chronicle covers almost 100 years of information about UFO occupants, vehicles, history and controversies and takes you right up to the present with 6 hours of solid information. It also includes amazing interviews with many UFO witnesses and experts, UFO photos and video.

Length: 6 Hours

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Amazing Encounters - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Experience the classic close encounters of Travis Walton, Jimmy Carter, Betty and Barney Hill, Police Officers, Military Personnel and many others as told by the actual Experiencers and Witnesses themselves. This presentation is a wonderful collection of famous close encounter, physical evidence, crash retrieval and government cover up cases and much more! The past meets the present with comprehensive coverage of the incredible 2006 Briese Farm case involving sightings, close encounters with aliens and animal mutilations. Meet the Experiencers and view the startling evidence!

Length: 2 Hours

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Into The Unknown: The Pascagoula Alien Abductions - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Charles Hickson is the only Abductee that Johnny Carson ever booked on The Tonight Show. Like many people in America, he was shocked by the story of the Pascagoula Alien Abductions and the unbelievable aftermath. Dr J. Allen Hynek and investigated this case which began in 1973 when Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker were taken aboard a UFO by robotic creatures. After the story was reported to a local law enforcement official, the U.S. Military got involved and their response was as bizarre and troubling as the actual event. Here is your opportunity to view this case through the eyes of those involved as we examine most baffling Alien Abduction ever investigated. This presentation includes an exclusive interview with Charlie Hickson, Charlie's own presentation about the event and interviews with his children, a documentary about the case, an extremely rare interview with Calvin Parker, interviews with Stanton Friedman (UFO Researcher), Leonard Stringfield (UFO Crash Retrieval Researcher), Dr James Harder (Alien Abductions Researcher), Donald Schmitt (Author and CUFOS Spokesperson), Bill Clendenin (U.S. Navy Ship Identification and Classification), Betty Hill (Abductee), Dr Ted Peters (UFOs and Religion Researcher), and much more! 95 minutes of stunning material.

Length: 95 Minutes

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Invasion: UFO Encounters and Alien Beings - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Discover the early history of UFOs and meet the pioneers that forged it. Classic uncut broadcasts highlight this presentation which includes the original radio news broadcasts about the Roswell Incident, the Washington, DC, 1952 UFO incidents, the famous 1942 Battle for Los Angeles UFO incident, the Kenneth Arnold UFO Sighting, the Michigan Police Chase and Swamp Gas UFO incidents of 1966, the McMinnville, Oregon, UFO incident and the Exeter, NH, UFO sightings. Included are interviews with Al Chop, a former Pentagon Spokesperson who commented on the 1952 Washington, DC, UFO flap; Richard Hall, Don Berliner and Donald Keyhoe of NICAP; James Moseley; the Mikem Wallace interview with Donald Keyhoe and much more including comments from Scientists, Engineers and Astronomers on both sides of the issue.

Length: 95 Minutes

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UFOs On Long Island - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

UFO encounters including exclusive cases on Long Island and a historical retrospective on the worldwide UFO phenomenon.

Length: 2 Hours

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Long Island and New York City UFO Encounters - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

The Long Island and New York City areas are known to be places where amazing UFO encounters have taken place. UFO Sightings, Crashes and Alien Abductions and Animal Mutilations have all been reported on a regular basis. This presentation is designed as a sequel to Long Island UFO Encounters and includes appearances by Whitley Strieber, Phil Imbrogno, Dr Jean Mundy, Joel Martin, Dr J. Allen Hynek and other investigators, researchers and witnesses.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Long Island UFO Encounters - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

While a guest on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, noted Scientist and UFO Researcher Dr J. Allen Hynek was asked where most of the UFO sightings and encounters in the USA take place. He answered without hesitation by saying, "Long Island." Now you can view the most famous cases and evidence yourself in this presentation featuring exclusive information, photos, video and interviews. Includes Alien Encounters and Abductions, the Moriches Bay UFO Crash and much more!

Length: 240 Minutes

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UFOs: The Hidden Truth - DVD Set - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

It was just 100 years ago that people believed we would never fly in machines, go faster then 35 miles per hour or land anyone on the Moon. Those ideas went against the science of the day and seemed foolish at the time. The Skeptics are still with us and they balk at the idea that UFOs are intelligently controlled vehicles flown by Aliens. Despite the fact that thousands of trained observers like Police Officers, Pilots and Astronauts have seen things they cannot explain and believe to be Alien Spacecraft, there seems to be just no room in science for Aliens that are visiting the Earth.

2 DVDs, Length: 300 Minutes

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Colonel Philip J. Corso: The U.S. Military and The Aliens - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Philip J. Corso was an American Army officer who served in the U.S. Army from 1942 until 1963. In his book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, the colonel wrote about how he was involved in the research of extraterrestrial technology recovered from the 1947 Roswell UFO Crash in New Mexico. Now he brings his story to you through this amazing interview.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Shocking UFO Photo Cases and Evidence - 2 DVD SET - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Take an amazing journey through some of the best and most famous UFO photos ever taken. Watch amazing film and video of UFOs filmed in flight. Learn what the experts say about these unexplained photo, film and video cases. Includes an in-depth examination and explanation of many famous UFO photo and film cases by UFO photographic expert Bruce Maccabee. Then, examine the shocking facts and most outragious evidence available that UFOs are intelligently controlled vehicles from somewhere else. Hours of stunning information!

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Beyond COMMUNION - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

The author of COMMUNION, TRANSFORMATION, BREAKTHROUGH, THE GRAYS, 2012:THE WAR FOR SOULS and many more presents two lectures: A classic seminar about his early alien abduction experiences and a recently filmed presentation that brings us up to speed about his life and the alien agenda.

Length: 240 Minutes

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Beyond CLEAR INTENT - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Larry Fawcett exposes the U.S. Government cover-up. Lawrence Fawcett, a UFO investigator for twenty years, has held memberships in the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) and has also served as the Early Warning coordinator in New England for the Air Force-sponsored "Condon Committee" UFO study. He is on the National Board of Directors for the Center for UFO studies (CUFOS) and is the assistant director and chief investigator for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). This startling presentation is based on his best-selling book, CLEAR INTENT and digs deep into the U.S. Government Cover-Up of UFOs.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Beyond Intruders: The Untold Story is Told by Debra Tomey - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Her case was made famous by the best-selling book and popular TV mini-series, INTRUDERS, written by Alien Abductions Researcher Budd Hopkins. Now hear Debra Tomey (called Kathie Davis in the book) relate her own story in her own words and relive one of the most frightening and true alien abduction stories ever told.

Length: 80 Minutes

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Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind in the Hudson Valley - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Philip Imbrogno is a recognized authority in the field of UFO research and has been the driving force behind the investigation of bizarre sightings, encounters and events in the Hudson Valley Region (including New York, Westchester and Connecticut), including sightings of the famous Westchester Wing UFO. He has been interviewed by the New York Times and Coast to Coast AM, has appeared on NBC¹s Today Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show, and has been featured in documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, Lifetime, and HBO. Imbrogno worked closely with many top UFO investigators, including Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Bud Hopkins.

Length: 120 Minutes

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THE TEXAS UFO INVASION: Cover-Ups, Lies and Deception! - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Learn all about the amazing Texas UFO WAVE of Sightings which began in the early 2000s, got red hot around 2007 and continue today through this special UFO SIGHTINGS REPORT! Get the real story from the real people involved and meet the experts as they comment on this fascinating series of events. It's the inside story that the news media and mainstream UFO groups will not tell you. Four hours of shocking information, interviews, photos and video. Includes the stories of animal mutilations, military harassment and the forcing out of Angelia Joiner, the Empire Tribune Reporter who first introduced the Stephenville, TX, UFO Sightings to the community and the world.

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UFO Abductions and The Government Cover Up - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This presentation features exclusive interviews with Dr Rima Laibow and C.B. Scott Jones. Dr Laibow is a well-known Psychiatrist who has studied a number of Alien Abduction cases and concluded that the subjects are relating the truth. Scott Jones worked in military intelligence and served as an aide to U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell. He is also considered to be the famous Falcon, a government insider who has leaked a substantial amount of information about UFOs to the public.

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Let's Learn Basic UFO Investigation - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

The UFO GUY explains some very simple procedures and easy methods that individuals or groups can use for the investigator of most UFO sightings, incidents and encounters. You will also see other qualified and trained UFO Investigators explain how to properly conduct interviews and learn about what is and what is not physical, photographic and eyewitness evidence. Three hours of training and important information.

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The Incredible Discovery Of Noah's Ark - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Actor Darren McGavin hosts this investigation into the mystery of Noah's ark in this engrossing program. The show examines the discovery of a 5,000-year-old wooden ship on a remote mountain top in Eastern Turkey. Outfitted with what appear to be stalls and cages for animals, could this ship actually be the famed biblical vessel? Scientists investigate using cutting-edge technology and satellite imagery, resulting in some provocative findings.

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Metaphysical Explanations and Uses for Crystals - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Noted Psychic and Paranormal Researcher, Ellie Crystal, is joined by Master Psychic and Metaphysical Practitioner, Deja Allison, for a discussion of the metaphysical use of Crystals.

Length: 30 Minutes

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Edgar Cayce & The Universe - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Astronomy writer James Mullaney, author of Edgar Cayce and the Cosmos, examines the Sleeping Prophet's readings about the universe and brings us amazing facts about his life and prophecies. Mullaney has collected and analyzed all of the Edgar Cayce readings related to the cosmos, in both the light of modern astronomical and cosmological knowledge and the most recent discoveries in these fascinating fields. As a scientist, Mullaney was initially skeptical about the Cayce material (which was delivered in a trance state). He was won over by the accuracy and insights of the material and the honesty of the man. Discover the scientific evidence and archeological discoveries that back up Cayce s prophecies, more about Atlantis, the Hall of Records, Earth Changes, Portals and much more.

Length: 120 Minutes

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The Ghost Of Flight 401 - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

An aircraft crashes in the Florida Everglades, killing 103 passengers. After the wreckage is removed, salvageable parts from the plane are used to repair other aircraft. Soon passengers and crew on those aircraft report seeing what they believe to be the ghost of the wrecked airplane's flight engineer. If you WANT TO BELIEVE you MUST SEE this rare and amazing docu-drama from the late 1970s that accurately covers every detail of the TRUE STORY of the Ghost of Flight 401.

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In Search Of... The Complete Series - 21 DVD Set - $39.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

146 episodes hosted by Leonard Nimoy (complete series including the two original pilots) on 21 DVDs in shrink wrapped plastic cases with descriptive inserts. Set includes an Interactive Menu for quick and easy episode selection. Region Free (plays on dvd players worldwide). This series is just as current today as when it was first produced and presented in the 1970s and you will find that much of the information presented has been conveniently forgotten or otherwise lost by those who insist on trying to debunk everything unexplained or paranormal. The interviews with witnesses and experts are especially amazing (including an extra-rare interview with Hans Holzer, the original Ghost Hunter). You will watch these over and over again... Perfect for special gatherings or paranormal investigation meetings. This is a video encyclopedia of the Unexplained!

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Project UFO: The Complete TV Series DVD Collection - 14 DVD Set - $19.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Project UFO was an NBC television series which lasted two seasons, from 1978 to 1979. Based on the real-life Project Blue Book and actual cases from that official U.S. Government investigation, the show was created by veteran TV producer Jack Webb (Dragnet, Emergency, Adam-12, O'Hara U.S. Treasury and more) who painstakingly went through Air Force Bluebook files looking for episode ideas. This was the final show produced by Webb's Mark VII Limited. The show featured two U.S. Air Force investigators charged with investigating UFO sightings. The first season starred William Jordan (as "Maj. Jake Gatlin") and Caskey Swaim (as "Staff Sgt. Harry Fitz"). Jordan was a rather nondescript leading man, while Swain added diversity as a Southerner with a pronounced accent. In season two, Jordan was replaced by Edward Winter (as "Capt. Ben Ryan"). Aldine King ("Libby") was another regular. Dr. Joyce Brothers appeared in two episodes. In the pilot episode, Gatlin informed the newly-assigned Fitz that, since it is impossible to prove a negative, their job was to prove that each UFO sighting was real, by researching and disproving possible alternate explanations. Gatlin also told Fitz that he himself had once seen "something I can't explain" while flying as an Air Force pilot, which led to his interest in Blue Book. In retrospect, "Project UFO" anticipated many of the themes of the X-Files, though of course without that show's romantic subtext or anti-government (or for that matter, anti-alien) paranoia. As with Blue Book, many of the UFO sightings on "Project UFO" turned out to have conventional explanations. Some, however, were left unexplained, and suggestive of alien contact. By the second season, the investigators had themselves experienced a UFO sighting.

ALL 26 Uncut Episodes are uncut. Excellent video and audio quality. 100% in chronological order. Commercial free and unedited. These DVDs are region free so they will play on any DVD player Worldwide and DVD-Rom, X-Box or PS2 worldwide.

Length: 1300 Minutes

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Tales of the Unexplained: From Behind the Veil (The Complete TV Series) - 2 DVDs - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Who knows what evil lurks behind the veil? Filmed in the United Kingdom and produced by Hal Roach, Jr., each of these twelve chilling episodes re-creates tales of eerie, macabre and unexplainable happenings in normal settings based on real events, to otherwise normal people. In classic 1950s British television fashion, reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock, the great Boris Karloff hosts Tales of the Unexplained from a cavernous castle room, before an enormous blazing fireplace. He assumes the air of a man curious about the strange tales he is about to tell, assuring us that they are all true. This series never aired on TV due to contract and financial issues with the company that produced it in the UK. The 2 DVD set includes all the episodes from the series, plus the original pilot episode and an extra episode that was not supposed to be a part of the series and once thought lost, but recently discovered in a film vault.

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Hidden Truth: The UFO Story - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

A solid history of the UFO Phenomenon. Included are all the theories, bizarre cases, Alien types, abductions, disappearances and related phenomena.

Length: 120 Minutes

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Long John Nebel presents The Flying Saucer Story - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Legendary Broadcaster Long John Nebel presents interviews with many of the most famous figures of the early Flying Saucer era including George Adamski, Daniel Fry, George Van Tassle, Orfeo Angelucci, Dan Martin, Frank Edwards and Donald Keyhoe.

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Edward R. Murrow presents THE CASE FOR THE FLYING SAUCER - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Legendary CBS Broadcaster Edward R. Murrow presents a special report on Flying Saucers. Included are fascinating facts and interviews. Excellent look at the early days of the UFO phenomenon.

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The N.I.C.A.P. Story - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Discover the amazing history of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and their contribution to Ufology. This presentation covers the history, controversies and many of the fascinating cases examined by this organization. Features in-depth interviews with Richard Hall, Major Donald Keyhoe and others.

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Flying Saucers: Serious Business - 1 DVD - $7.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

Originally recorded in 1966, the words of Legendary Broadcaster FRANK EDWARDS come to life with illustrations and photos. You ll be amazed at the number of UFO cases he brings to life and the information he shares from his best-selling book of the same title.

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PROJECT RED LIGHT - 1 DVD - $6.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

PROJECT RED LIGHT - BILL COOPER'S AREA 51 INVESTIGATION. Ufologist and former U.S. Government insider Milton William Cooper takes you on an amazing tour of the outskirts of the mysterious Area 51 and shares his own take on the storage and reverse engineering of Alien Spacecraft at that facility. This presentation was filmed in the 1990s before Cooper's death at the hands of government storm troopers.

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In this amazing collection of presentations author Richard C. Hoagland explains his research and theories about the connections between the Moon, Mars and ancient civilizations on Earth, examining evidence of contact with intelligent beings. Hoagland addresses a group of NASA scientists about rock sculptures discovered on Mars, explores signs of alien life on the moon, presents footage of government agents shooting down a UFO and much more in this exclusive four DVD set.

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On a dark and lonely road in the mountains of Mexico Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that changed his life forever. Over 12000 eyewitnesses including journalists scientists and even the Mayor of Mexico City also share this same story of an alien encounter with UFOs. Now 20 years later alien encounters with UFOs over Mexico continue at an alarming rate. Get all of the facts in this amazing program which is considered the most comprehensive investigation of UFO alien contacts ever produced for home viewing. Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO alien encounters and what meaning they may hold for us here on Earth.Features stunning film footage video and photos of alien UFOs along with an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers eyewitnesses experiencers and the best known most credible UFO authorities in the world today.

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THE SECRET KGB UFO FILES - 1 DVD - $6.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

"Now the world will see what Russian spies kept hidden" Join host ROGER MOORE in an exclusive investigation into one of the most compelling events of our time. For five decades, American agencies have stockpiled information on UFOs. So did their counterparts behind the iron curtain. Soldiers, scientists and spies all paint a disturbing picture of the KGB's secret campaign. The UFO encounter that almost sparked a nuclear war. The pair of MiG fighters that tried to shoot down a UFO -- both jets blown out of the sky! Stunning proof that the Soviets recovered something not from this earth! Amazing film footage smuggled out of Russia. From the 1990s.

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UFO: The True Story Of Flying Saucers - 1 DVD - $6.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

This marvelous black-and-white 1956 film has long been considered a "classic" UFO documentary-movie by those who are interested in the UFO phenomenon. The movie is based on the real-life experiences of Al Chop, a former journalist for the "Dayton Daily News" in Ohio. After World War Two he was hired as the Public Information Officer for Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, and in that capacity he became intimately involved with the UFO mystery. If you're interested in seeing an historically-accurate account of how the UFO phenomenon started in America, then this film is easily the best one you can buy. It starts out by recounting the first widely-publicized UFO sightings in America in 1947 and 1948 - from pilot Kenneth Arnold's sighting of nine "flying disks" over Mt. Rainier in Washington State to the "Mantell Incident" in January 1948, in which a veteran fighter pilot was killed while chasing a UFO over Ft. Knox in Kentucky. It also describes how UFOs quickly became a popular "fad" and national craze. We then follow Air Force PR man Chop as he becomes involved with UFOs, first by answering numerous requests for information from pesky newspapermen about recent UFO sightings and what the Air Force knows about them, to his discussions with military officers and scientists. In the process Chop steadily changes from a UFO debunker (he tells one reporter at the beginning that "It's a lot of bunk") to being convinced that UFOs are real. Finally, he is sent to Washington DC where he becomes the press spokesman for the Air Force's famed "Project Blue Book" investigation into the UFO mystery. During his tenure as Blue Book's PR man, Chop got to know most of the famous figures in the early history of the UFO phenomenon, such as Air Force Captain Edward Ruppelt, who was Project Blue Book's most famous supervisor, and Major Dewey Fournet, who was Blue Book's liaison at the Pentagon. Under Ruppelt's leadership Project Blue Book enjoyed its "golden age" from 1951-1953. Instead of debunking and dismissing every UFO sighting, Ruppelt insisted that his staff keep an open mind when investigating UFO reports and he wasn't afraid to label a case as "unknown" when he couldn't find an adequate explanation. This film shows several of the most famous UFO cases of the late forties and early fifties.

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Designs in crops and grass lands popularly known as Crop Circles have been reported and documented around the world since the birth of Christ. World authority on Crop Circles Colin Andrews investigates and endeavors to find answers to the crop circle phenomenon, examining cases and photographic evidence worldwide with the assistance of experts in science and the paranormal. A presentation by Colin Andrews from the 1990s.

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CHARIOTS OF THE GODS - 1 DVD - $6.99 (with FREE USA Shipping)

"Fifty million stars in our galaxy have the potential of supporting life forms capable of traveling to other planets," says world-renowned authority Erich von Daniken, whose film version of his best- selling book, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, gives stunning visual proof that some form of life from outer space landed on Earth centuries ago. It took five years for von Daniken to document, on film, the physical evidence of visits by galactic travelers who came to Earth. Just what they did here and the influences they left behind is the core of the film. In search of basic truths, the film, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, takes the viewer into the far reaches of underground caves and tombs, and to the tops of desolate mountains on every major continent to show the evidence von Daniken has been collecting. Although this controversial film may provide the answers to age old mysteries, it may be the beginning of an entirely new set of questions. This is the original and uncut 1972 documentary on DVD.

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This is not just another Vampire Story. It's the amazing tale of a powerful being bent on revenge. Discover how a common man became The Dark Master and move with him through the centuries until he winds up in New York City. It's there that we meet the fascinating characters that interact with him over one hundred years. It's there that he reaches into the heart of the New York City Mob and pulls out a man in need of his unique powers.



This title is also available as a softcover book from for Amazon Customers.

UNDERSTANDING GHOSTS: Histories, Haunts and Hunts - Non-Fiction

The living have always been fascinated by the dead. We all wonder what awaits us beyond the grave. Thanks to modern research methods and tools we now know more about ghosts than ever before. This book will take you on a journey through real and sometimes shocking ghost stories (including some involving celebrities which you probably have not heard before), facts and hunts. Truth is always stranger and far more interesting than most any fiction our minds can imagine. That is a fact which I am certain you will come to believe after reading the true stories, facts and information presented by leading experts in the world of paranormal research and ghost hunting. You’ll be presented with an in-depth historical overview of ghosts, as well as where to find ghosts and diverse views on Ghost Hunting which includes the latest definitions and tools.



The History Of Ghosts and Vampires - Non-Fiction

The belief in life after death is a common belief among most of the world’s civilizations and that may have been the birth of the idea of ghosts and spirits. The Vampire persona has evolved from many true and untrue facts, legends and myths. At various times vampires, real and imagined, have been considered fiends, supernatural beings, shape-shifters, mentally disturbed deviants, satanic servants and fetish followers...



This title is also available as a softcover book on for Amazon Customers.

UFOs: Government Secrets Kept - Non-Fiction

When the U.S. Air Force completed their Project Blue Book investigation of the UFO phenomenon in 1969-1970, it came as no surprise to me that 95% of the sightings were listed as explainable. It was a fast way to discredit UFO reports from civilians. I grew up in an Air Force family and my father was a retired officer, so I knew what the deal was and now I will share the TRUTH with you...



This title is also available as a softcover book on for Amazon Customers.


Radio Personalities that book me as a guest for their shows and have done so for many years call me The UFO GUY.‭ ‬I hope you enjoy my little narrative. It’s one of several books I have written and still hope to write about my experiences and investigations. As you’ll soon discover, my life has been surrounded by the paranormal and unusual events. People that have experienced the unexplained have been drawn to me, and I to them. If nothing else, I hope you’ll learn to appreciate why so many UFO and Paranormal Witnesses feel so strongly about their unusual experiences. This book takes you on a journey through my most bizarre and amazing UFO cases and helps to blow the lid off the U.S. Government cover-up of this phenomenon. It is also a sequel to my first book, THE UFO GUY.




Discover the shocking truth about real U.S. Government experiments with Invisibility, Time Travel, Mind Control and Alien Technology which began in the 1940s and continue today!



This title is also available as a softcover book on for Amazon Customers.

REAL GHOST STORIES...That You Haven't Heard A Million Times Before... - Non-Fiction

The cases you will read about in this book are real, as are all the facts surrounding them. They represent what I feel are the most amazing that I have investigated over the past thirty plus years of my paranormal investigations. Read and enjoy them, but never lose sight of the fact that people have many different opinions about what Ghosts are and where they come from. Keep an open mind and you'll enjoy these all the more...



This title is also available as a softcover book on for Amazon Customers.

UFOs and Aliens: Shocking Secrets, Amazing Encounters and Complete Cover-Ups - Non-Fiction

The truth is out there, sure, that’s true. But it’s also a lot closer to home than you think. In this book I focus on the most amazing UFO cases and evidence that I have come across over the past almost forty years. Some are older, many are recent and involve everyday people, celebrities, politicians, astronauts and former U.S. presidents. Not only will you learn new information (much of it exclusive) about older and more recent UFO incidents which remain unexplained, you’ll be taken on a trip through secret U.S. Government experiments involving invisibility, time travel, mind control and the summoning of Aliens using E.T. Technology. This book is a treasure trove of true facts for those who really want to know the truth, not just the watered down goop fed to us by the media, UFO pundits and cable channels.



This title is also available as a softcover book on for Amazon Customers.

Weird TRUE Stories, BIZARRE Encounters and STRANGE Places - Non-Fiction

This book represents the shear insanity of real stories and real places that are so bizarre no one wants to believe they exist. I can understand that, but (as the saying goes) some things are true whether we choose to believe them or not. This book represents the greatest hits of all my weirdest stories, places and experiences. I hope you enjoy them all.



This title is also available as a softcover book on for Amazon Customers.


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Phoney Martian Photos Exposed By A Rat
The Philadelphia Experiment and The Montauk Project
The Titanic and The Titan: A Creepy Tale Of Two Ships
General MacArthur and Space Aliens
Haunted Hollywood Movies
The Haunting History Of Ghosts
Is Lindsay Lohan An Abductee?

Top 10 UFO Sightings
Battlefield Earth 1561: Aerial Warfare Over Europe
NASA UFO Astronaut Sightings
Alien Bases and UFOs on the Moon?
Arizona Hauntings
The Ghost of Mary Queen of Scots
How to Tell If You've Got a Ghost
What Does the Ancient Alien Theory Suggest About ETs?
The Anunnaki and Zecharia Sitchin
Operation Highjump - Nazi UFO's in Antarctica

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